07 March 2024

Health and cancer prevention projects at Rotovia Miedzyrzecz

October and November are the months when cancer awareness and the importance of cancer prevention are particularly promoted. Numerous educational campaigns, community events and initiatives promoting screening are organised during this period. This is aimed at reducing the risk of developing cancer and increasing the chances of early detection and effective treatment of cancer.

As a company for which the wellbeing of the employee is of the highest value, we have decided to actively participate in this health-promoting initiative and carry out government projects on preventive screening for employees at our factory. In November 2023, on the initiative of our HR department, we carried out the ’40+ Prevention’ and ‘Cancer Prevention’ projects at Rotovia Międzyrzecz, expressing our concern for the health and well-being of our employees.

Prevention 40+ - a healthy future for our employees

The ‘Prevention 40+’ project was aimed at employees aged 40 and over, who often forget to have regular health checks due to work and life commitments. The preventive programme included comprehensive examinations that allowed for an overall assessment of the health of our employees, as well as supporting the detection of worrying signals that could indicate a deterioration in health.

By carrying out preventive examinations including blood count, cholesterol levels, blood glucose levels, liver tests, blood creatinine levels, general urine tests, blood uric acid levels and anthropometric indices (body weight, height, BMI), we not only caught possible health risks, but also aimed to educate employees on the importance of prevention and regular examinations. The Prevention 40+ project was not only a medical support for our employees, but also helped us to create health awareness among our staff and draw attention to the importance of preventive examinations.

Rotovia Miedzyrzecz
Rotovia Miedzyrzecz Cancer Prevention1

Cancer prevention for the health of workers

The ‘Cancer Prevention’ programme we implemented included the diagnosis of basic cancer markers in both women and men. These tests were aimed at early detection of possible changes in the body, enabling rapid intervention and treatment if necessary. Cancer prevention is key here, as early detection of cancer can increase the chances of a full cure. All willing employees of our factory who showed an interest in checking their health participated.

Our intention was not only to detect health problems, but also to mobilise and encourage our employees to have regular check-ups and support them in taking care of their health. Cancer prevention is a topic often pushed to the background. Many people do not realise the importance of this problem and the consequences of not detecting the disease in time.

A healthy employees are key to a successful business

We are convinced that healthy employees are a key element in the success of a company. Our company policy is based on three core values: Share, Care, Can Do, which fully reflect our commitment to the employee community and our concern for the well-being of our employees.

In the spirit of the ‘Share’ value, we engage in health-promoting initiatives, sharing knowledge and providing our employees with access to comprehensive diagnostic tests. The value of ‘Care’ is the foundation of our company. We care about the wellbeing and safety of our employees. Regular preventive examinations prevent the development of diseases, which translates into better wellbeing and efficiency for our staff. ‘Can Do’ symbolises our ability to achieve our goals. By implementing a health and cancer prevention programme at our site, we actively take care of the health of our employees.

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Rotovia Miedzyrzecz Brochures

Benefits of engaging in preventive research

44% of our factory’s employees took part in preventive examinations as part of the ‘Prevention 40+’ and ‘Cancer prevention’ projects. 93% of them believe that preventive examinations are important for their health, and 97% are satisfied with the preventive examination projects implemented by the company. Importantly, 43% of employees participating in preventive examinations had abnormalities detected that prompted them to consult their GP.

By engaging in preventive screenings, we have been able to assist our employees in assessing their health status, while enabling us to intervene quickly when abnormalities are detected. This initiative has not only helped to improve health awareness among employees, but has also increased their confidence in our company as an institution that cares about their wellbeing. Taking care of health is as important to our company as achieving business goals. At Rotovia Miedzyrzecz, we constantly take initiatives to care for the health of our employees, as we realise that they are the foundation of our success!

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