Board of directors

The board of directors plays a role in overseeing and guiding the senior management team of our international organization. The board sets the strategic direction of the organization, ensures compliance with legal and ethical standards, and monitors performance. They also provide guidance and support to the senior management team, which is responsible for day-to-day operations.

Margit Robertet, Chairman arrow

Margit Robertet

Guðbjörg Sæunn Friðriksdóttir arrow

Guðbjörg Sæunn Friðriksdóttir

Eiríkur Ársælsson arrow

Eiríkur Ársælsson

Alistair Herd arrow

Alistair Herd

Ágúst Torfi Hauksson arrow

Ágúst Torfi Hauksson

Senior Management

The senior management team that oversees the daily operations of our international business is composed of experienced executives with a proven track record of success in their respective fields. They possess a diverse range of skills, knowledge, and expertise, and work collaboratively to ensure the smooth and efficient functioning of the organization.

Kristin (1) arrow

Kristín Magnúsdóttir

Dadi arrow

Daði Valdimarsson

Peter arrow

Peter Baken

Brian arrow

Brian Gooding

Arnar arrow

Arnar Snorrason

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