Long-lasting fuel tanks for loaders
In the sector of construction and building, lifting and handling machinery and other types of machinery, such as loaders, cranes, and excavators, combustion engines still have their place, as many are depolluted. Loaders are often engineered and built by specialized companies with focus on performance and high-quality vehicles. Manufacturers need reliable and long-lasting fuel tanks for loaders.
Loader manufacturers are therefore looking for fuel tanks with a shape that allows as much autonomy as possible. Rotational moulding allows us to create these complex shapes, especially for compact machines. The tanks are often close to the engine and hidden by covers.
With a focus on longevity, our rotomoulded fuel tanks for loaders are produced for our customers to withstand the rigors of heavy-duty usage, ensuring an extended service life that surpasses traditional alternatives. Crafted from high-quality HDPE, these tanks exhibit resistance to abrasion, impact, and harsh environmental conditions. This unique combination of durability and quality guarantees that your loaders will operate at peak efficiency.

Easy installation process of the fuel tank for the front loader
A fuel tank for loaders can be quite small, ranging from 20 to 150 litres, but it can be larger in many cases too. The volume of these tanks is also related to the power of the engine and the desired range. Certain rules must be respected when installing the inserts, the gauging system and the filling. In particular, everything must be done to avoid pollution of the fuel by external dust, which is often present on building sites.
But there is more, loader manufacturers can significantly enhance the efficiency and convenience of their equipment by integrating rotomoulded fuel tanks for loaders. These tanks are easy to install, providing loaders manufacturers with a seamless and quick process. Unlike traditional fuel tanks, rotomoulded ones are lightweight yet durable, ensuring a longer lifespan and reduced maintenance costs.
Accurate 3D scanning service for rotomoulded premium products
At Rotovia, we offer a comprehensive 3D scanning service, from physical scanning to post-processing. Our scanning service accurately measures rotomoulded products in 3D, providing extremely accurate measurement data. With this service, our customers not only gain precise 3D models of their custom moulded products, but also the ability to use the collected information in the design or quality control process.
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High-resistance rotomoulded fuel tank loader
Being close to the engines, the fuel tanks of compact machines must withstand high temperatures. The fuel can reach over 80°C when it comes back from the engine, and even higher with the so-called “stage V5” generation engines. The heat of the engine near the tank is also an important factor.
For strength and durability, cross-linked PE is the material to use first. It would be possible to use PA, too. Since loaders can be used anywhere in the world, care must be taken with the varying quality of fuel, which can be aggressive to the components. For this reason, seals are suitable, and stainless steel is the best possible material for the metal parts in contact with the fuel. Convinced? Let’s bring your idea for rotomoulded fuel tanks for loaders to life! Contact us now!

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